what made me make the move from livejournal? as with many things these days, i'm not entirely sure, but it felt right. i really just woke up one morning and said to myself, "hey self, let's move that madeye thing over to blogger." and then i said, "sounds like a good idea, self." i guess it was something about telling people to "check out the madeye livejournal!" that seemed a little too cumbersome for my liking. having a really real for real blog just makes me feel so freaking
hip and
with it. operative word, there:
feel. whether i am or not... well, that's just the mystery of my life.
so until the other day, i hadn't crocheted in almost two months. i hadn't gone yarn shopping in... i don't even want to think about how long. suffice it to say that it was a long damn time. the hiatus was largely due to school and school-related things, but really i do think the fact that my yarn basket was full of ugly scraps didn't help much either. i started throwing stuff on top of it in my closet so i wouldn't have to see it. damp bath towels, dirty socks, books, anything that needed to be tossed. seriously, there's this one ball of bright neon green red heart kids yarn that i got for some custom project that never came through that is so putridly hideous that i still experience an acute adverse physical reaction to it every time i see it... nay, think about it.
and let me tell you, i am usually a fan of ugly green things. (see: the avocado naugahide couch i recently salvaged for my apartment next year. ugliest thing EVER.) so the fact that i was physically repulsed by this says a lot, and none of it is very encouraging or inspirational. so instead of blaming my lack of crocheting (nocheting?) on Life, i'm going to blame it on that fuglyass ball of yarn which singlehandedly (single-balledly? oh man) managed to drain me of all recognizable desire to craft.
fortunately, i've come out on the other side relatively unscathed. i've got two sacks of new yarn and i've made two and three-quarters hats in the last week. i'm also working on some new styles to sell, and i'm really excited. REALLY excited. and really vague, apparently.
less vagueness + photos coming soon.
in other news, this morning i finally bought the
boygirlparty shirt i'd been wanting foreeevvvverrrr:
starry owl! i love me some boygirlparty. not that i needed another shirt with a bird on it, but... eh... well, who am i kidding? i can ALWAYS use another shirt with a bird on it.