20 June 2006

my mother, the secret knitting ninja

so i've been knitting (or purling, rather) sporadically for the past few months, since i learned back in november. tonight (in lieu of stitch & bitch, which i skipped again) i decided to bust out my total idiot's guide to knitting & crocheting and see if i could teach myself to knit (as opposed to purl), which really just resulted in me realizing that i've been purling in a really awkward/wrongish way that makes knitting seem like a whole other art form. so, i need to work on that. i also need some more needles, because at the moment i have too-small and too-big needles but none that are just right, a la goldilocks.

but, right, the really remarkable part of this is how, after i ripped my half a dozen rows of tight-fisted lumpy knitting and wound the yarn back up, my mom asked if she could try to see if she remembered how to do it. apparently she knit twenty five years ago? first i've heard of it!

so i handed over the supplies and lo and behlod, after not doing it for twenty five years, my mom can knit / purl better than i can. huh.


completely unrelated, but here are some pictures of the store i work at, as promised in a previous post.

the store from the back (i love our big front window). our floors are the building's original ones-- it used to be a hardware store (the original mural advertising the store and gilman paints are still on the back of the building) and you can see where the big cases used to be from where there are worn marks on the hardwood.

we do complimentary gift wrapping on any purchase (and sometimes on items purchased elsewhere). gift wrapping is probably my favorite job to do at work. sometimes i get teased about it. sometimes i get a little too excited about it and offer to wrap very tiny things that don't need to be wrapped and then i wind up having to make insanely tiny little packages that probably cost more to wrap than the actual item. my love of gift wrapping at work has got me thinking that maybe i should offer giftwrapping for purchases from the site, but i haven't figured out how to orchestrate that exactly.

one of our displays, though we sold the flamingos a few days after i took this picture. i adore the glass vases-- i got a dark green squarish one for my apartment next year. behind you can see some of our jewelery cases, which i spend a lot of time unlocking and showing to people.

we don't carry any madeye stuff yet, but i mean to remedy that. last fall i got so busy with school that it all but slipped my mind entirely, but this year i will definitely get on it.


is there anybody out there?! hello?! if i stop asking, will someone start responding?!

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